Using AI Agents
Custom Skills
Developer Guide

This guide is intended for developers who want to create custom agent skills for AnythingLLM.

How to develop custom agent skills


  1. NodeJS 18+
  2. Yarn
  3. AnythingLLM running in some supported environment see here for more information.

Guidelines for creation of custom agent skills

  1. Custom agent skills must be written in JavaScript and will execute within a NodeJS environment.
  2. You can bundle any NodeJS package you want within your custom agent skill, but it must be present in the folder structure of your custom agent skill.
  3. All functions must return a string value, anything else may break the agent invocation.
  4. You should provide a file at the root of your custom agent skill with a description, any additional requirements and how to use the custom agent skill.
  5. You must define your plugin with an associated plugin.json file at the root of your custom agent skill folder.
  6. The must define your entry point of your custom agent skill as a handler.js file.
  7. You must wrap your entire custom agent skill in a folder with the same name property that is defined in the plugin.json file.

Hot loading of custom agent skills


If you are in an active agent invocation when you make changes to your custom agent skill, you will need to /exit the current session for the changes to take effect.

If you just added a new custom agent skill you will need to revisit or reload the page for the new skill to be shown in the UI.

AnythingLLM supports hot loading of custom agent skills. This means that you can make changes to your custom agent skill and see the changes without having to restart the agent or the instance of AnythingLLM.

Where to place your custom agent skill code

All agents skills must be placed in the appropriate folder in your AnythingLLM storage directory folder. This can be found in multiple locations depending on the environment you are running AnythingLLM in. In all versions you are looking for the matching folder of the STORAGE_DIR environment variable.


Your entire custom agent skill folder should be wrapped in a folder with the same hubId property as the associated plugin.json file.


Your storage directory should be mounted as a volume in your Docker container startup command - which can be found here. This will be the value of the STORAGE_LOCATION command variable.

Then you will need to create this subfolder within the storage directory: plugins/agent-skills

Local Development

When running AnythingLLM locally, your storage directory is likely mounted in the server/storage directory.

Then you will need to create this subfolder within the storage directory: plugins/agent-skills


When running AnythingLLM on Desktop, your storage directory can be found using this guide.

Then you will need to create this subfolder within the storage directory: plugins/agent-skills

File structure

Your custom agent skill should be wrapped in a folder with the same hubId property that is defined in the plugin.json file.

See the plugin.json reference for more information on the plugin.json file, its properties and how to use them.

// example plugin.json
  "name": "This is my human readable name",
  "hubId": "my-custom-agent-skill" // THIS MUST BE THE SAME AS THE parent folder name. Can be any string.

Folder structure for associated agent skill: NOTE: The folder name must match the hubId property in the plugin.json file.

|-- plugin.json
|-- handler.js
|-- // You can add any additional files you want to the folder and reference them in the handler.js file!

Plugin.json Reference

See here for more information on the plugin.json file, its properties and how to use them.